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The common perception of the annual Good English Assembly, organised by a group of teachers in the Good English Committee and the GEMs (Good English Models) of Evergreen is usually an assembly that promotes the speaking of Good English in our everyday lives and to interest students in the English Language.

Actually, that is the whole point of the assembly. However, there is more to it than perfecting your grammar. As a GEM, I was backstage during the assembly with my other fellow GEMs and the English teachers, students who were helping out, AVA crew and most importantly, I was with Jack and Rai. Who are Jack and Rai? Well, they are two local media personalities who coach us during our GEM sessions during the holidays.

You might think being backstage is really stressful. To be honest, it is not. It can be exciting at first, but after a while, it gets rather boring. It feels good to be helping out and making it happen, but on the whole, the experience back stage takes a toll on your mind, making you feel really bored.

Since it was boring, we fellow GEMs had to do something to entertain ourselves. We were not going to sit there a hot and stuffy corner (we were literally sitting at one corner). All of us talked, got to know each other until someone, either a teacher or a responsible student reminds us to keep our noise level down. After some time, we start to whisper and murmur. Before you know it, we are all talking loudly again. At one point of time we were singing. I’m sure you know what happens next.

As time passed, we were cued to go onstage. Some of us have to go up on stage to present while the rest were tensely waiting backstage. Students nervously clutched their scripts, fiddled with microphones, and whispered their lines to themselves. If you are lucky (or unlucky), you would be able to spot someone could be having a ‘nervous breakdown’ in the restroom. You’ll be able to spot someone who is relaxed. Way too relaxed in fact.

There are indeed, perks, when you are backstage. You get to meet celebrities! Yes, Jack and Rai were (and ARE) celebrities. Totally, super cool celebrities. We just couldn’t keep our eyes off them.

When the assembly was ended, I saw the relief on the students’ faces. If they want to get the whole assembly over and done with, WE were definitely more desperate than them. The humidity and heat backstage was practically like unexplored jungle! Yet, it was more than worth it as the experience backstage is not one you can experience every day.

Written by Angela

Edited by Eunice

Photo credits:

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