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9th of March 2016.

63 student recipients were awarded with the Chiang Kair Tong Education Support Fund. This award is only given to selected pupils who have done well academically, demonstrated good behaviour and active involvement in CCAs.

However, Honours Day is not only restricted to one award, it is also the day where students and staffs from different backgrounds receive awards and recognition based on their achievements and efforts contributed to the school.

Mr David and Ms Lilian Chiang are from the renowned Chiang family. They have decided to give financial support to EVGians who have done well in their performance in school.

However, not many schools have The Chiang Kair Tong Support Education Fund, so how did Evergreen Secondary manage to obtain this fund?

The story begins many years ago, during the annual Road Run. Mr David and Ms Lilian Chiang were strolling at a park which was coincidentally also the venue for the Road Run.

Mr David and Ms Lilian Chiang observed from afar and noted that EVGians were well behaved and organized during that day, and really liked how Evergreen was a school that educates its students to be well disciplined and considerate to the public. From that day onwards, they decided to present Evergreen with the The Chiang Kair Tong Education Support Fund.

‘’ I felt really honoured to receive the award and I hope that EVGians will continue their hard effort to aspire and achieve. ’’

– Tan Jun An, a recipient of the Chiang Kair Tong Education Support Fund.

Mr Martin Tan, the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Halogen Foundation Singapore, also attended Honours Day to share with us his stories and experiences from visiting different parts of the world such as Afghanistan.

This has truly inspired us to constantly improve ourselves and feel proud of ourselves and our beloved school.

Honours Day is an opportunity for us to recognise students who have excelled in their studies and have been exhibiting good behaviour in school.

We thank the Chiang Family for granting us this award, and also Mr Martin Tan for his magnificent and fruitful speech, the Guests of Honours and our fellow EVGians and alumni who have helped shaped Evergreen Secondary to what it has become today.

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